WeatherDaily Forecast


Warm Holiday Forecast

Temperatures stay warm into next week

The holidays are here and we have some decent weather to go with them. Temperatures were pleasant and milder yesterday, then the clouds came in so that kept us warmer overnight. Sunshine will be more scarce today, but we will still warm into the upper 50s, some hitting 60 degrees. A low pressure is traveling to our north over the Great Lakes, but will affect us very little. A stray sprinkle or light shower can't be ruled out today or tomorrow, but the worst of it will remain north of us in Ohio and Indiana. Timing for rain Christmas Day looks to be early then again late day.

Historically speaking, we should have a 0 to 10% chance of a white Christmas (at least one inch of snow on the ground), but snow chances will stay at zero this go around, unlike last year. We may be in a running to tie for the third warmest Christmas on record in Lexington! Highs are anticipated to be in the mid 60s for most of the Commonwealth. The rest of the month of December basically follows suit as we will keep in the 50s and 60s through to the New Year. Rain and even thunderstorm chances will pick up next week.