WeatherDaily Forecast


Turning stormy for Friday

Thunderstorms are likely early in the day

As forecast, the heat and humidity has been on today as high temperatures have been right around 90 degrees and feeling a touch hotter, but this heat should subside soon. For tonight, we'll see clouds on the increase with a shot at rain and thunder arriving after midnight. Most folks in our neck of the woods won't see rain until closer to morning. This could make for a wet commute in Friday morning. We even have a chance to pick up a strong storm here and there tomorrow. A Marginal Risk for severe storms will cover the whole state with the threat for heavy rain and a few strong wind gusts.

A bit more unsettled weather pattern will hover over us for both weekend days. The whole weekend certainly will not be a washout, but you may need the umbrella at times or plan b for any outdoor activities. The good news is that we will be receiving some needed rain in the next three days and the rain will help to cool us off. By Sunday, high temperatures will fall to the low 80s and there should even be a couple of days next week that are even cooler (upper 70s). Most of next week looks dry, too.