WeatherDaily Forecast


High winds bring in snow showers

Scattered snowflakes through Thursday
and last updated

Our midweek day has been an active one with some light rain around, and also the wind. Gusts have exceeded 50 mph in Lexington and may have seen gusts up to 45 mph...enough to do a bit of damage mainly to some trees around the Commonwealth. The Wind Advisory will expire at 7 pm, but winds will stay up through the night and into Thursday. Colder air is moving into the Ohio Valley and overnight temperatures will be dropping down toward or just below the freezing mark. Wind chills will be down into the low and mid 20s overnight and for most of tomorrow.

On the back side of the low pressure that kept the snow north of Kentucky last night, we have wrap-around snow showers expected through tonight and Thursday. The heavier snow showers will be more hit and miss, but nearly everyone should see some flakes at times. Accumulations will stay minor, mainly less than one inch and many only a fraction of an inch. Winter looks to keep hovering just north of the Ohio River as we move into late week and even next week as a couple of different systems are expected to bring us mainly rain. The high temperature trend will stay in the 30s through Friday then we jump back up into the 40s for the weekend with rain coming in on Sunday.