WeatherDaily Forecast


Chilly, but Dry Halloween

Nice for Trick-or-Treating
and last updated

After a gloomy and pretty soggy week, we finally end the work week on a nicer, but colder note. The clouds are still pretty stubborn but we do have some sunshine coming up late this afternoon as the cloud line has been clearing in western KY. For the rest of the evening we will see the clouds clear and the thermometers drop. Temperatures will be falling into the freezing range tonight with a low around 32 degrees. With the clear sky, that means frost is inevitable. A Frost Advisory will be in effect for our area from midnight until 10 am tomorrow. Once we get past the frosty cold morning we will warm up a little tomorrow afternoon with highs in the mid to upper 50s for most.

We all know Halloween is tomorrow so trick-or-treating will be on the cool side as well, but at least we stay completely dry. No need for an umbrella with the kids as they get some candy. By the end of the weekend, our pattern shifts just a bit. We won't have a lot of rain by any means, but there's a passing system that will help to increase clouds and bring us the chance to see just a few sprinkles...some snow showers north and east of us maybe in the mountains of West Virginia.