WeatherDaily Forecast


Calm, Cold Start to the Weekend

Highs in 30s Friday and Saturday
and last updated

We've certainly had a pretty mild week with not much going on. We did have some rain overnight or really early this morning before dawn, but things dried out pretty fast and we have a nice stretch of dry weather set to arrive in time for our weekend too. More heavy rain will remain much further south of KY and some lake-effect snow showers are expected near the Great Lakes, but we will be caught between the two systems, so can expect a pretty uneventful weekend, until we get to Sunday.

Another low pressure will dig south from the northwest corner of the U.S. bringing a round of snow and rain to the Midwest before arriving here in KY late Sunday. Most models suggest quite a bit of moisture will come with this round of rain, so totals could be pushing 2 inches between Sunday night and Monday night. Then another round of snow/rain mix likely next Thursday. There's not much hope for snow with either system, but there could be some flakes mixing in at the onset of the rain both rounds. Our temperature trend will also bounce around some. Colder air will drop on Saturday, but we'll push back up to near 50 degrees 48 hours from then on Monday.