WeatherDaily Forecast


Another Round of Rain Coming

Showers for tonight/early Sunday
and last updated

Calm weather with slightly milder temperatures was the story for today, but now more changes will roll in this evening. Rain showers are already knocking on our door as another low pressure begins to push into the state. We can expect mostly a night rain with some showers picking up to moderate at times. If we look really hard, we might be able to see a snowflake mixing in, but generally the snow stays north of the Ohio River. For the rest of this weekend, you can expect the rain to wrap up pretty early Sunday morning. Some leftover drizzle may take us to noon, after that clouds slowly clear some toward evening.

Another weather-maker will approach us on Monday, but this one also looks to bring only rain to us, and it will really only be for part of the state, not the whole. As we move through next week toward Christmas, some of the coldest air we've experienced so far this year will be here for by late Thursday and into Friday. This arctic blast may be enough to change some rain over to snow for a short time, but models are not looking good for an official white Christmas. We continue to wait with bated breath for a few more days.