WeatherDaily Forecast


A rainy, gloomy Veterans Day

Soaking showers plus a storm or two
and last updated

We've been dry for a good couple of months with only small amounts of rain here and there, and we've been warm, but all of that is about to change as we head into the week's end and the weekend.

Rain from the remnants of Tropical Storm Nicole plus a cold front will bring us good amounts of soaking rain off and on for Veterans Day and even a few showers on Saturday. Rain will begin tonight after midnight or so and linger throughout the day, eventually ending by evening hours. It won't be a pretty day, but we need the rain, so we'll take it. Totals look to be between 1 and 2 inches for a good chunk of the Bluegrass including Lexington. Some spots, especially in the isolated thunderstorms, could see over 2 inches by the end of Friday. Winds will also be gusty at times.

The cold front will push all of the rain east, but leave behind the huge dump of cold Canadian air just in time for game day Saturday and it will stay put. High temperatures will go from the low 60s tomorrow to the low 40s on Saturday and Sunday. In fact, most of next week is cold (30s and 40s) as well! Today could very well be the last day we see the 70s in 2022!