Even though the forecast may still say summer, it’s time to start thinking about fall. Fall allergy season that is. A runny nose, itchy eyes, and scratchy throat can arise as the days get shorter.

Allergy sufferers will say they have different symptoms during different parts of the years. That’s because pollens peak at different parts of the year. During the fall, ragweed and mold are the main culprits. Indoor allergy season peaks during the colder months.
Just like in the spring, the weather can affect hay fever and symptoms of the fall allergy season. Late season unseasonably warm temperatures can extend the allergy season. More mold spores are released when humidity is high. Dry, windy days will stir up more pollen. Meanwhile, rain will weigh down pollen and bring some temporary relief.
Outdoor fall chores, like raking leaves, can stir up pollen and mold. If mold is one your primary triggers, you can wear a mask while raking to help minimize symptoms. Your kids may also experience flare-ups with the start of school. Chalk dust and classroom pets can agitate allergies.
LEX 18 is proud to partner with Family Allergy & Asthma for to provide a daily allergy report. This fall the report will look a little different. The report will feature a scale from low to high based on the pollen concentration. We’ll also include to top allergens.
Monday will rank high on the pollen scale. Ragweed, nettle, and grass are currently the top allergens. Tune into the StormTracker forecast each day for the pollen report from Family Allergy & Asthma.