
So Long for Now Muggies

Have you had enough of the "air-you-can-wear?"
and last updated

Have you had enough of the "air-you-can-wear?" The inability to take a deep breath when you step outside because the air is so heavy? Or breaking out in an instant sweat? There is some (temporary) relief on the way.

Lexington has recorded a 90-degree high eight of the last 10 days. Temperatures have really sizzled during this first heat wave of the summer. There has also been plenty of humidity hanging around with that heat. You feel the heaviness, the soupiness, the mugginess of the air as soon as you walk outside. The tropical humidity levels have also contributed to the torrential downpours that have come with the daily scattered thunderstorms. Today was no exception. Dew points were in the low to mid 70s. It is just uncomfortable!

We are about to get a little relief. A cold front passed through today, sparking one final round of storms in the process. "Drier" air will arrive behind the front. There will still be a tinge of mugginess hanging around, but it will feel better. It is early July in Kentucky after all. There was to be at least some humidity. (It would take a very strong cold front to wipe of the muggies completely at this point of the year. That's unlikely to occur.) The dew point, which is a measure of the amount of moisture in the air, will settle into the low to mid 60s. Its still going to feel humid but it won't be oppressive to tropical. It will be more tolerable. Enjoy the break while it lasts. The "air-you-can-wear" will bubble back in by Wednesday.

There's some more humidity relief to come late week. Another cool front will cut across the Ohio Valley. Our storm chances will increase slightly Wednesday night into Thursday. A less humid air mass will settle in once the showers and storms exit. Then the cycle repeats. The muggies return before we get to the weekend.