
Several frost/freeze chances

Protect your plants. Bring pets indoors.
and last updated

Everyone has been enjoying this warm start to spring, even the flowers, plants, and trees. Tender plants and vegetation could get a little chill tonight. Conditions will be right for a widespread frost, even a freeze in some areas. A Freeze Warning has been issued for all of central and eastern Kentucky through Saturday morning. It was plenty cold enough last night, but the gusty wind was still a factor and prohibiting frost from forming. Tonight the wind will relax and the sky will clear a bit, allowing temperatures to bottom out near freezing with valley locations dropping as low as in the mid 20s.

Mid-April is typically when Lexington records the final freeze of the season. The temperatures are expected to cooler than normal into next week. There will be several more opportunities for a frost, freeze, maybe even a hard freeze during this time. So if your tulips, daffodils, or other tender plants are sprouting or blooming, be prepared to cover them up or bring them inside.