

RedSTAR Wilderness EMS agreement terminated by Powell County judge

RedSTAR Wilderness Paramedic.jpg

POWELL COUNTY, Ky. — Two lost hikers were found today in the Red River Gorge, and typically both Powell County Search and Rescue and RedSTAR Wilderness EMS would respond.

On Saturday only Powell County responded, after RedSTAR's agreement was abruptly terminated by Judge Executive Eddie Barnes on Friday.

"We will be here every time someone calls 911," said Jeremy Urekew with Powell County Search and Rescue.

He told LEX18 Powell County Search and Rescue can provide basic first aid. RedSTAR stepped in with advanced life support coverage, often for hikers in the Red River Gorge. Now, Powell County EMS will be pulled to those calls.

"Most people who ride in an ambulance are not equipped to spend hours off that ambulance on a trail," said Urekew.

RedSTAR coordinator David Fifer provided the below statement regarding the agreement termination:

“RedSTAR was created 10 years ago to provide a specialized response to medical emergencies in the Red River Gorge, and we’ve consistently delivered on that commitment through thousands of volunteer hours and by raising tens of thousands of dollars to fund our own operations.

Recently, many employees of the county ambulance service have left, and Judge Barnes has expected that our volunteers shift their focus more to filling these scheduling holes. We met with Judge Barnes to discuss our agreement with the county, gain a better understanding his expectations, and to seek a new agreement to address them. Judge Barnes abruptly ended that meeting and dismissed us from the county.”

LEX18 reached out to Judge Barnes for comment. He did not supply a statement.