

The Rebound: Barbershop giving back to those hit hard by COVID-19

Posted 9:59 AM, Jun 03, 2020
and last updated 3:14 PM, Jun 03, 2020

LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX18) — Barbershops and salons are among the businesses back open to customers, and now one local Lexington shop is already working to give back. The guys at Cuts On Lime know how important a good haircut is, but they also know the money for one might not be there right now, so they are offering some help.

"It's really crazy how people react. Before they get a haircut and after they get a haircut, you'll see them start taking selfies, " Fouad Froukh, owner of Cuts On Lime, explained.

Fouad Froukh has owned his barbershop Cuts On Lime for six years, specializing in men's hair, and like all salons and barbershops, he was forced to close his doors due to the coronavirus.

"We closed down for 76 days, " Froukh said.

But now, they are back open, fully compliant, and looking for a way to help others.

"We're grateful to be back in business and serve the community, " Froukh explained.

Quickly, he said he began to realize many of his customers themselves had been impacted by COVID-19, losing their jobs and struggling to pay their bills, much less a haircut. So, he decided to provide them for free.

"I'm independent, this is not franchised, and the community been supporting my business and my family and the other guys working with me in the shop for six years. I feel like this is a good time and a good opportunity to give back to the community, " Froukh said.

So the plan is, starting this Sunday, Cuts On Lime will offer free haircuts to anyone hit hard by the coronavirus. He will continue the service ever other Sunday with the hope that a fresh haircut will be just what they need to get back on their feet.

"It will boost their confidence and will give them the opportunity to go out to get a job or return to their job."

The offer is done by appointment only for everyone's safety. To make an appointment, contact Cuts On Lime either via Facebook or Instagram.

Cuts On Lime is located at 553 S. Limestone in Lexington.
IG: @CutsOnLimeBarbershop