

The Rebound: Belle's Cocktail House set to reopen

Posted 8:06 PM, Apr 19, 2021
and last updated 10:23 PM, Apr 19, 2021

LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — As part of the Rebound Kentucky, LEX 18 is highlighting the effects the pandemic has on many local businesses and how they've managed to stay afloat. A beloved bar in downtown Lexington announced this weekend they will finally be opening their doors for business after being closed for more than a year.

Belle's Cocktail House is no stranger to adversity.

"Of course we had a fire on the rooftop a few years ago and now we've successfully navigated through the pandemic," co-owner Seth Thompson said.

From an operational standpoint, the owners of Belle's say it didn't make sense to open at such a limited capacity. But as more people are vaccinated, they feel confident in their decision to open once again.

Thompson said the decision won't be taken for granted.

"You know the pandemic has just been an outright terror on the hospitality, the food and beverage industry. It was very sad, in Lexington, the overall state, our nation to see a lot of great places that didn't survive the pandemic. We feel fortunate we are able to open our doors again, a lot of places didn't," he said.

The popular bar will reopen Friday, which is also Oaks Day.

"It's starting to feel a little more normal around here in Lexington. Having those things, obviously from a business perspective, it's very exciting. But I think that it's just good for everyone's morale. We really miss being open, serving drinks, being a part of everyone's memories and hospitality," Thompson said.

From there, Belle's Cocktail House will be open Thursday through Saturday.