

Woman thanks LEX 18 for drawing attention to power problem

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Posted 10:14 PM, Jul 05, 2023
and last updated 1:49 AM, Jul 07, 2023

LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — When Stephanie Boerschinger saw Kentucky Utility crews in her neighborhood, she thought her three-day stretch without power was finally coming to an end.

"I was excited. I just knew we were going to get the power back on," she explained.

But she said an error from workers with Wright Tree Services, a company contracted with Kentucky Utilities, caused a tree to fall into a power pole, splitting it and several live wires were left dangling in her backyard and across Tuscaloosa Lane.

"It snapped it almost in two. My utility pole is still standing at the time. However, it is on the verge of toppling over. I still have lines in my backyard. They all left around 2:30 yesterday afternoon. I have not seen them since," she said.

Not only did the damage leave the power lines dangling, Boerschinger said life without power has left her physical and mental health hanging on by a thread.

"It's been miserable. I've not slept in several days. It's over. It's almost 90 degrees in my house. Even trying to sleep downstairs in the basement is not working. I do have medical issues. I do wear a CPAP every night so my sleep apnea is terrible. I don't feel very well. I am a nurse, I've had to call into work for fear of fire or something toppling in my backyard," said Boerschinger

We reached out to a spokesperson for Kentucky Utilities who ensured that crews were in the area and prioritizing Stephanie's situation.

Just a few hours later, we got a text from Boerschinger confirming her power was restored.

And with it, her sanity.