

Sheperdsville veteran makes American flags out of used bourbon barrels

Posted 9:32 PM, Jun 14, 2022
and last updated 2:06 PM, Jul 08, 2022

SHEPHERDSVILLE, Ky. (LEX 18) — Tuesday is National Bourbon Day, a day to raise a glass and celebrate one of Kentucky's signature industries, but it's also Flag Day.

Both days are as American as apple pie, and there's one place where both bourbon and flags intersect.

Army veteran Chris Cruise makes American flags out of used bourbon barrels. It was a hobby that became a part-time business until Christmas 2019 when Chris lost his job and his wife told him to go full-time.

"She told me I should have done it sooner," said Cruise. "This is God telling you you need to do this full-time."

Chris rolled up his sleeves and began making thousands of U.S. flags, hiring other combat veterans to help. The group dedicated their lives to defending the flag and now they're spending their days building them.

"As a small business owner, every time we get an order, I still get excited," he said.