Meet the Kentuckians taking part in the 2022 USA Mullet Championships [PHOTOS]

Dayson Sinkhorn is from Danville. Click on the "X" in the top right corner to find where to vote for him.USA Mullet Championships
16-year-old Josh Scott is a junior at Western Hills High School in Frankfort. Click on the "X" in the top right corner to find where to vote for him.USA Mullet Championships
14-year-old Leonard Brown lives in Artemus, Kentucky (Knox County) and will be a freshman at Barbourville City High School. Click on the "X" in the top right corner to find where to vote for him.USA Mullet Championships
Cash Mccoy is from Ulysses. Click on the "X" in the top right corner to find where to vote for him.USA MULLET CHAMPIONSHIPS