

Northern Kentucky couple wins $1 million from scratch-off ticket

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Posted 3:24 PM, Oct 18, 2023
and last updated 5:50 PM, Oct 18, 2023

FLORENCE, Ky. (LEX 18) — A northern Kentucky couple won $1 million after purchasing a Millionaire Club scratch-off ticket.

The man, who wishes to remain anonymous, told lottery officials he is a frequent player and purchased the ticket at the Kroger on Patrick Drive in Burlington.

As he left the store, he purchased a ticket from the customer service desk.

He told lottery officials he waited until he got home to scratch the ticket.

When he started scratching the ticket, it revealed the game's top prize of $1 million.

Lottery officials say the first person he told was his wife, and they both could not believe it.

The couple received a check for $710,000 after taxes.

He plans to use the money for a family vacation and save the rest for his wife's retirement.

Kroger will receive $10,000 for selling the winning ticket.