LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — The Catholic Diocese of Lexington is working to get the word out about their program aimed at helping mothers and pregnant women in need, regardless of their religion.
The program, known nationally as “walking with moms in need,” is meant to allow parishes and communities to walk in the shoes of the women who need help.
The diocese’s bishop, John Stowe, referenced Roe V Wade being struck down in a tweet about the program. “If we are truly inspired by this opportunity to promote the rights of unborn infants, we should be eager to support the program and make sure that each parish is engaged,” he wrote.
Edward Bauer, director of communications for the Lexington Diocese, said a lot of parishes have outreach services they already do. This program, he said, will make them more aware of other kinds of needs.
"If we can help families in need whether it’s just the basics, diapers food, anything else we can do," Bauer said.
He said this also helps women get social services, and may even help out financially when they can.