(LEX 18) — LEX 18 has found some Kentucky connections to Hurricane Dorian through native Kentuckians who are now living in the path of the storm are waiting for it to hit.
So far, things are relatively calm for the people we spoke to Monday morning. They are all just waiting to see how bad the weather gets in their neighborhood.
Lea Padgett, who is originally from Lincoln County, sent videos and pictures of her neighborhood in Clewiston, Florida on Monday morning.
She and her husband went out this morning to get food and supplies in preparation for the storm.
Her husband, Daniel, said this will be the third hurricane he has encountered.
"We have about 30 gallons of gas so far stored up at the house. We have both of our vehicles filled up, because what we did learn during the last hurricane that we went through is that the aftermath of the hurricane is harder..." said Daniel.
The couple said they plan to wait out the storm at home.
"But, when I see the satellite views and it doesn't change, then I can't help but be a little bit nervous. Did I make the right decision or not? Hopefully I did," said Daniel.
Lexington native Tori Dean lives in Myrtle Beach and she said the weather around her right now is pretty calm, but she is also preparing for the storm to hit.
Dean has planned to stay with a friend who lives more inland.
"I filled up my car with gas. This morning when I drove past, there were long lines at the grocery and at the gas station for everybody getting it while they can," said Dean.