

Gallery promotes art created by Lexington high school students

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LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — The Mill and Max Gallery hosted an event showcasing art created by young Lexington high school women at the Shambhala Mediation Center on Saturday.

Karl Lindstrom, the Director of the Mill & Max Gallery, expressed that when you look around, you will find pieces of art that are completely striking.

It's a way to help promote young artists during a time when they might be overlooked, and coordinators say it also shows the community is here to support them.


Lindstrom says this event gives the girls an opportunity to practice expressing themselves. "As young women in society and thinking about how they want to let people know what their experiences are, it gives us the community, an opportunity to let them know that we are listening."

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but it's clear these pieces are more than just a picture on a wall. They show a bright future ahead for these young women and what they can become. Lindstrom said that you can see the potential in the creation of such sophisticated art.

You can click here to learn more about the gallery.