

Friends, family gather to remember life and legacy of Rep. Lamin Swann

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LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — If you've visited Greyline Station on a normal day, you may have run into State Representative Lamin Swann.

Today, it was the place people came to remember his life.

Rep. Swann died Sunday, just days after he was hospitalized with a medical emergency.

Legislators were joined by Rep. Swann's family Thursday night, sharing with each other what made him special.

The state representative had been in office for just a few months before his death.

Lifelong friend Willis Polk told us about the challenges Lamin faced in life. He made his way around the Capitol in a wheelchair.

"We'd say it's a handicap, but it didn't seem to handicap him," said Polk. "His drive to live life at its best in spite of his circumstances to see him go and see him do, is in my mind marvelous."

As a representative, he advocated on issues ranging from social justice to expanding disability rights.

The event finished with a song he liked, "Thank You for Being a Friend".

"He would say thank you for being a friend to him, he was a friend to you, now go be friends with everyone and give love and passion and equality and acceptance — all those good things in life he stood for."