LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — As peak flu season hits the area, a spokesperson for the Fayette County Health Department is addressing the rise in cases and also provided ways to stay healthy during this time.
"Go on social media right now," said Kevin Hall, a spokesperson for the department. "I know of friends of mine that have been posting that everyone in their family has come down with the flu. It just spreads from kid to kid, parents and caregivers."
"You have to understand this is peak flu season in Kentucky," added Hall. "Typically its in late January, early February. Which is what we have been seeing, this is historical trends. But we are not out of the woods yet. "
In Lexington alone, there were reportedly more than 285 lab confirmed flue cases in a single week in late January.
"Anyone who's had the flu will do everything they can to keep from getting it again," said Hall. "You can be sick for five, seven, 10 days. You have fevers, body aches, headaches. Most people talk about how they don't have the energy or strength to get out of couch, or bed. You don't want to move. It is miserable to have the flu."
Hall's best advice is to stay healthy, get the flue shot, wash your hands, and disinfect regularly.
"But if you are truly sick, you need that rest, you don't want to spread it to others. Think about the vulnerable members of our community," Hall noted.