FRANKFORT, Ky. (LEX 18) — The calendar may say summer, but school is already in session for Frankfort Independent Schools.
Tuesday, August 1, marked their first day of the school year. It’s the earliest in Central Kentucky for a public school system.
Classes have started around this time since the 90s to allow for longer fall and spring breaks, Superintendent Sheri Satterly said. Those longer breaks are used for enrichment programs.
Those programs will be part of their focus this school year on providing more equitable access for all students.
“It's nice to be different than the other schools in the county, so we all have a big sense of community when we all start differently than everyone else,” said Frankfort High School senior Sam Gilbert.
He said he’s excited for the new school year to start.
The school has a number of traditions to begin the school year, including the senior clap-in and handing out popsicles during the end-of-school fire drill.