(LEX 18) — October’s National Substance Abuse Prevention Month is putting a renewed focus on the growing issue.
Jason Merrick, the vice president for program development at addiction recovery care, is stressing how there is professional help for those who need it, as well as the importance families play.
“The love of a family member, the love of community, the sense of belonging, and knowing that despite whatever health or substance abuse disorder is present that its ok to ask for health, it’s ok we suffer from an ailment," Merrick said.
It’s their goal as addiction recovery providers to keep families together, he said. It’s also important for those families, and those in recovery, to avoid using words like addict and alcoholic.
As someone who struggled with addiction for 20 years, it’s something he firsthand knows the importance of.
“I did indeed experience the shame and the stigma associated with substance abuse disorder and for me personally that’s what kept me from being able to get the help that I needed.”
Those days are now 13 years behind Merrick, who recommended using person-first language.
“It’s as simple as putting the word person in front of whatever you are trying to describe,” he said.