LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — In about one month Kentucky voters will have to make a choice as it pertains to a woman’s right to choose. Constitutional Amendment 2 will be on the ballot, which would further cement the state’s current near-total ban on abortions by writing it in to our constitution.
The fear of this happening here, and in states all over America, is what brought students out on college campuses today.
At the University of Kentucky, the school’s organization, College Democrats held an informative session on campus for several hours, before taking the streets of downtown Lexington to march in protest of Amendment 2.

“This is something that people hold close to their heart,” said College Democrats President, Hallie Rice. “Everybody knows somebody who’s had an abortion, or who may have an abortion in the future,” she continued.
Hallie said she was “infuriated” by the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and allow states to make the decision on their own, and by Kentucky’s decision to ban all abortions unless there is a medical risk to the mother. There is no exception for victims of rape or incest here.

“It hurt. I wasn’t surprised, but it made me angry,” said Ellie Browning who serves as Chief of Staff for the College Democrats.
Ms. Browning also pointed out something else that many feel continues to get swept under the political rug.
“It’s an attack on religious freedom. A lot of religions, including Judaism, have abortion as a healthcare right and there should always be a separation of church and state,” she continued.
Rice and Browning were joined by roughly 75 UK students for an afternoon march through the streets of Lexington to voice their concern over Amendment 2.

“No matter what it is, you have the right to take care of yourself,” Rice said. “It is your body, and it is your choice,” she added.
That choice was taken away for most of Kentucky’s women, and it could become permanent if the measure passes on Election Day.
“When anyone in Kentucky is hurt by legislation we will show up and fight for our rights,” Browning added.