

Daughter's legacy lives on in organ donation

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LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — University of Kentucky fans are facing off against UL, but this time, it has nothing to do with sports.

Instead, it's a friendly competition to see who can get the most new registered organ donors.

One mother has a powerful message to share with other families about the life-saving gift of organ donation.

"She was a power to be reckoned with even at two years old," Hannah Marcum said about her daughter Juliet. "She had a personality that was like a whirlwind that would come through. She'd bring life and smiles to everyone around her."

Marcum's daughter died after a routine procedure, a tonsillectomy, at just two-and-a-half years old. Afterwards, her family chose organ donation.

"Her purpose was to save lives," Marcum said. "Because what are the odds a healthy child's heart wouldn't restart again?"

Two of Juliet's heart valves went to two separate children, saving their lives.

"I got a call, and they said, 'We want to let you know there are two separate children in Kentucky she can save right now if you let us transport her body to Louisville right now.' and I said, 'Do it!' Two... out of all the possibilities. It just so happened to be her favorite number."

This week, Juliet's name was placed on the Gift of Life wall at UK. She joins other Kentuckians who also became life-saving organ donors.

"Being able to give a piece of yourself to someone else helps you live on in the minds of your family," said Dr. Ashley Montgomery-Yates. "They then know you may be gone, but part of you is living on to help another family."

That's what Hannah is now doing, too. She's set to become a living donor when she donates a kidney to a close friend. She'll also continue sharing Juliet's story to encourage others to give the gift of life.

"It's spreading your child's legacy of love," Hannah told LEX 18. "It's sharing who they were just one step further with the world."

Click the following link to register: University of Kentucky Gift of Life Challenge - Donate Life America (