CYNTHIANA, Ky. (LEX 18) — Restaurant owners, community members, and students from Harrison County's archery team came to downtown Cynthiana to set up tents and grills for a fundraiser for Scott County Deputy Caleb Conley's family.
One recent graduate of Harrison County High School and member of the archery team, Anastacia Godman, says, "Everything is done by donation, we're not charging to eat but any donation to the family is deeply appreciated."
Hot dogs, hamburgers, steaks and more, were all on the menu. Each person who attended had their own reason for supporting the Conley family and they all say that this community comes together for one another during difficult times.
11-year-old Camille Clay says, "I feel like that it's special and it's a good cause."
Cynthiana Assistant Police Chief Robert Peak says, "The thin blue line. We have to be there and support each other and have each other's back and this is just one small way of trying to do that of trying to show that and carry on the legacy that Deputy Conley has already laid the groundwork for us."

Conley's son is also a part of the Harrison County archery team. Godman explains why this type of support matters.
She says, "It's not just a team. Everyone supports one another, if something goes wrong, we have their back, there's no, 'You're on your own on this.' Everyone is going to be there to support you."
This community fundraiser is just another example of just how much Deputy Caleb Conley meant to the Harrison County community. People say that it's more important now more than ever, to come together to support the Conley family.
One entrepreneur and organizer, Dennis Hyatt, says, "Whenever there's a need, it doesn't really matter what it is, they step up in a huge way. You've got people that are willing to donate time, you've got people that are willing to donate money, product, whatever it takes to get the job done and that's pretty much Cynthiana in a nutshell."
People in Cynthiana have repeatedly described what a servant Conley was. From his time in the military, to serving as a sheriff's deputy, and giving back to his hometown's community — they say he always showed up, and now the people here today are showing up for his family.
Godman says, "I know a lot of people that are here are happy to help and they are also deeply sorry."
Cynthiana’s small community is coming together to support the Conley family in any way they can. Organizers say that they were able to raise more than $12,000 for the Conley family. They say this is just another example of how Cynthiana's community shows up for one another.