FRANKFORT, Ky. (LEX 18) — 51-year-old Abigail Hall has been sentenced to 60 months in prison for stealing morphine from patients while she worked at medical facilities in Kentucky, according to the U.S.Attorney's Office Eastern District of Kentucky.
The Attorney's Office detailed that Hall worked at several facilities in Kentucky between January and August 2023 that focused on the care of the elderly, including a facility in Lawrenceburg.
During that time, Hall admitted to stealing morphine that was prescribed to three patients, "all of whom had significant disease and pain concerns," the office added.
She replaced morphine with water and blue food coloring to resemble to medication, administering to at least one patient, the office reported. In total, Hall admitted to taking at least seven syringes of the medication.
Hall was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Gregory Van Tatenhove for tampering with a consumer product. Federal law mandates that Hall serve at least 85% of her sentence, and following release, will remain under supervision by the U.S. Probation Office for three years.