

AG Coleman announces 7 indictments against former Lexington pastor


FRANKFORT, Ky. (LEX 18) — On Thursday, Attorney General Russell Coleman announced seven felony indictments against former LexCity Church Executive Pastor Zachary King.

King was arrested back in July on sexual abuse and exploitation charges involving a minor, according to officials.

According to a release, the Attorney General's Department of Criminal Investigations and Special Prosecutions Unit, along with the Lexington Police Department, helped with the investigation and presented it to the Fayette County Grand Jury.

As a result, the grand jury indicted King on the following:

  • one count of rape, first-degree
  • one count of sodomy, first-degree
  • one count of unlawful use of electronic means to induce a minor to engage in sexual or other prohibited activities
  • one count of unlawful transaction with a minor first degree with a victim under 18
  • one count of rape, third-degree
  • one count of sodomy, third-degree
  • one count of sexual abuse, first-degree