LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — The University of Kentucky has released a statement after two students were arrested and charged with rape.
The statement reads in part, "We want to make it unmistakably clear: sexual violence is unacceptable and has no place on our campus. It does not reflect the values we hold as a community and falls far below the standards of conduct we set for our students." The statement continues saying, "Above all else, the safety of our students is our top priority. UK Police does everything in its authority to hold perpetrators accountable and bring justice to survivors."
The statement then provides some additional information regarding events that took place after the report was received. According to the university, after receiving the report on Feb. 22 UK police began an investigation immediately, sent out a crime bulletin to the campus, and issued warrants for the arrest of Angus Thompson and Addison Adkins. Both students were then suspended from the university and banned from campus pending a Title IX investigation.
Thompson and Adkins turned themselves into the Lexington Police Department on March 3, the statement says.
The university says that Adkins is no longer a student, and Thompson remains suspended. Due to a court order, neither is allowed on campus.
The university acknowledges that reports such as these impact the entire community. If you are struggling, you can visit go.uky.edu/gethelp to find resources.