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The show ring is for everyone with new Sunshine Class

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FRANKFORT, Ky. (LEX 18) — A day in the show ring is a day well spent, especially when you’re Piper Wonderlich.

The 10-year-old participated in a first-of-its-kind sheep show at the Franklin County Fairgrounds Thursday, earning herself a ribbon and oodles of fun.

The sheep show, known as Sunshine Class, began at the Kentucky State Fair a few years back as an initiative to get people with special needs into the show ring for a hands-on experience in agriculture.

Now, the partnership between the Department of Agriculture and the Special Olympics hosts Sunshine Classes at the local level.

Piper, along with a dozen other participants, eagerly made their way to the fairgrounds in Franklin County for the event.

“What we've expanded this to now is families that aren’t in agriculture and would never get this opportunity to be next to a lamb, to be able to touch them, interact with them, to give them a hug… it's something special, and it’s hard to express all the joy that something like this gives me,” said Commissioner of Agriculture Jonathan Shell.

With a special needs niece, Shell said the program hits home, and he hopes to see it grow each year.

“I tell everyone that you’ve never been loved till you’ve been loved by a special needs person. It’s just pure,” said Shell.

Participants in Sunshine Class are each paired with a mentor, like Lexington high schooler Giselle Green.

“We bring them out to the show, help them walk the animals around and basically show them the ropes of what we do,” said Green.

Just like a traditional sheep show, the showmen parade their lambs around the ring, showcasing their muscles, discipline, and grooming.

“She loves the attention in the ring. Everyone knows she's there. She loves it,” laughed Piper’s mom, Holly.

At the end of the show, participants collected purple ribbons and snapped photos with Miss Kentucky.

“We love it to be able to meet different people who walk the same path in life that you do, we love to make the connections,” said Holly.

More than fun and photo-ops, Sunshine Class ensures there’s room for everyone in the ring, and that alone is the prize.

The Kentucky State Fair will host its Sunshine Class on August 22. You can sign up or learn more about attending here.