NewsCovering Kentucky


Meet Shaker Village's new lambs and piglets

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(LEX 18) — There are many signs of spring inside the greenhouse at Shaker Village, including the 7,000 seeds planted this year.

But it's not just vegetables and herbs growing on the farm. Out in the field, you'll find the baby animals.

"This is a time when everything is kind of a rebirth, coming to life, including the birth of lots of new baby animals, lambs, piglets, baby goats," said farm manager Mike Moore. "All the critters are born this time of year."

According to Moore, in the past three weeks, 80 lambs have been born, along with 18 piglets. By the end of the season, they'll have anywhere from 150 to 200 new animals.

"Every new year, you plan, you prep, you execute, and then 80 new babies in three weeks," Moore said. "So it's kind of fun."

It's a fun but busy time for staff, who work to ensure the health of each new addition.

"You wake up early, you check, you check in the evenings, you check before you go to bed," Moore said. "And sometimes you end up with a bottle lamb, and you're feeding it all night... but it's rewarding."

There are multiple opportunities for you to meet the baby animals this spring.

The Easter Egg Hunts are happening March 30th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Family Farm Days and Brunch with the Babies are happening in April.