LONDON, Ky. (LEX 18) — On Monday night, two council meetings were supposed to be held in London.
On the agenda was discussion of a municipal order about "the conduct of legislative body meetings." At the February 3 council meeting, some people were escorted out by police, and shouting.
Protesters with the Justice for Doug group gathered in downtown this evening, wanting a chance to get answers in the police shooting and killing of Doug Harless in December by questioning city officials. However, tonight's meetings were postponed after the mayor and several council members were unable to attend.
"It's been over 60 days and we get nothing from the police, the city, from nowhere there's no answers," said community member Jamie Burns. "It's frustrating that nothing is getting done."
Protesters held signs reading "Shame on London PD." One man held his sign with a weedeater - symbolic of the warrant that was allegedly served to the wrong home; that warrant was for a stolen piece of lawn equipment.
Sam Krueger, who has attended several protests, says he wants transparency from the city.
"Just talk to the people, not tell us what he thinks we ought to know, tell us what needs to be told," said Krueger.
Kentucky State Police are investigating the shooting.