LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — A gathering of roughly 20 Lexington residents is ready for the city to offer an additional public transportation option, microtransit.
“This has worked in other communities and I think it’s a great opportunity to see if we can make it work in this community,” said Councilmember Chuck Ellinger.
Mr. Ellinger attended the Wednesday morning Lextran board meeting, during which its director voted to approve a $75,000 dollar feasibility study of the microtransit program.
“You looked beyond the numbers and you have seen the faces of those that you serve,” advocate Belinda Snead said in praise of the members following their decision.

The supporters of Mircotransit believe Lextran does a good job, and the city’s Wheels program is useful, but microtransit, as Mr. Ellinger said, would fill in the gaps.
“Microtransit is on-demand transportation, if you just call that morning and say, ‘I’d like to be picked up at noon,’ that can be arranged. With Wheels you have to let them know ahead of time,” Katherine Goetz explained.
That’s one of the gaps Ellinger was talking about.
“In this 21st century of gig employment, we have to look at other ways of providing services,” Ellinger said.
Goetz told stories about her sister and another gentleman she knew who were stranded either at home or at the grocery store when they could not schedule a ride.
“People have missed appointments, people have missed work, and some people have been stranded,” she said.
If city officials can bring microtransit to Lexington, those situations might be avoided.
Mr. Ellinger said today’s vote will go before the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government Council members next month. If approved, the study on bringing microtransit to Lexington could begin soon after.