

Ky Safe Infant Act explained after Indiana baby found safe in Safe Haven Baby Box

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LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — An Indiana law that allowed a newborn to be dropped off anonymously in a Safe Haven Baby Box is similar to a Kentucky law that allows babies to be given to first responders or hospital workers within 30 days of birth.

But there are differences between how the two states allow babies to be surrendered, according to Lexington Batt. Chief Jordan Saas.

A Safe Haven Baby Box is, "a safety device provided for under state's Safe Haven Law and legally permits a mother in crisis to safely, securely, and anonymously surrender her unwanted newborn. A Baby Box is installed in an exterior wall of a designated fire station or hospital. It has an exterior door that automatically locks upon placement of a newborn inside the Baby Box, and an interior door which allows a medical staff member to secure the surrendered newborn from inside the designated building," according to Safe Haven Baby Boxes' website.

This week a baby was dropped off in a Baby Box at the Seymour, Ind. Fire Department, according to firefighters, who said they found the baby within a minute.

Kentucky's Safe Infant Act allows babies to be dropped off with an emergency provider, at a staffed police station, fire station, hospital or a participating place of worship within 30 days of birth.

Saas said Kentucky does not have Baby Boxes, so if someone wanted to surrender a baby at a Lexington fire station, they would have to make contact with a firefighter.

"We just want to be a valuable resource as we do everyday to our community in times of need," he said.

But, he said, as long as the baby is unharmed, the person surrendering the infant can stay anonymous.