NewsCovering Kentucky


Kentucky 3rd riskiest state to drive in, according to Forbes Advisor


LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — A study from Forbes Advisor reveals dangerous driving behaviors in Kentucky. This is from a report using thirteen key metrics across 50 states.

Forbes Advisor ranks Kentucky as the third riskiest state to drive in.

"I'm just trying to do my part to make every road safe that we're driving on," Jim Peters, APEX Driving School Lead Instructor, said.

During National Traffic Awareness Month, the goal is to explain safety tips to prevent major and minor accidents.

"I try to teach safety...hey in this situation, look through the car, under the care, around the car," Peters said.

Peters started this driving school back in March of 2023.

As he buckles up for another teaching session, he runs through tips typically communicated through APEX Driving School classes.

"I'm trying to teach following distance. I want them to create enough space around their vehicle that is safe and to be aware of the things around them at all times," Peters added.

Peters points out another one of his messages.

"Always try to teach to be a defensive driver, because this world is offensive and if you can be in a defensive mindset, then in your situation, you can be proactively thinking versus re- actively thinking," Peters noted.

When class is in session, 68 percent of Peters' students are over 18. His drive to teach is a sign that he wants to see major change on the roads in Kentucky.

"That's why I started this school in the first place, is to invest in the safety of the students and the people around us," Peters said.

When it comes to the worst drivers, Kentucky is still among the worst.

According to Forbes, Kentucky has the fourth highest number of fatal car accidents involving a distracted driver with three and a half per 100,000 drivers.
The Bluegrass State also ranks fifth highest among fatal car accidents involving a drowsy driver.

Kentucky not only has the seventh highest number of fatal car accidents with about 23 per 100,000 drivers, it ranks 11th when it comes to DUI arrests with nearly 400 people per 100,000 drivers.