FRANKFORT, Ky. (LEX 18) — For months, LEX 18 Investigates has sought answers on why a former Frankfort Police detective wasn't investigated by his department after two separate citizen complaints, one of which ended in a $350,000 settlement.
The incidents involve former Frankfort Police Detective Larry Guss Curtis who resigned in August of 2023.
The department is now under new leadership with a new police chief and assistant chief.
On Tuesday, LEX 18 sat down with Assistant Chief Scott Tracy who said he could not discuss specifics about Curtis but could talk about the department moving forward.
"We take every complaint seriously," said Assistant Chief Scott Tracy, who addressed skepticism that citizen complaints may not have been properly handled in the past. Tracy emphasized their commitment to thorough investigations.
"I can tell you this moving forward," Tracy said. "If I get that phone call, it's going to be investigated. There's no doubt because I know the standard I hold myself to."
Tracy assured procedures and protocols will be followed diligently. "We have to have the public's full trust and faith that when they bring a concern to us, we are going to investigate it from start to finish," he said.
When asked about more public input or a citizen review board, Tracy said, "We're always open to having discussions."
Tracy is currently exploring ways for the public to file officer complaints or compliments online, as well as share other department information in the spirit of transparency.
The department's main goal remains building community relations and earning public trust.