RICHMOND, Ky. (LEX 18) — The American Heart Association and Eastern Kentucky University are partnering to create impactful experiences for women interested in STEM occupations.
"This is a motivator for young women like myself, who are seniors or juniors who are not really sure what they want to do with their life," Alyssa Perkins said.
Perkins, from Garrard County is attending the event titled "STEM Goes Red" through AHA and EKU.
"It gives us details about what could be in our future and what kind of issues could be helped and resolved," Perkins said.
The executive director of AHA for central and eastern Kentucky is Andrea Ooten. She points out some of those issues as women continue to be underfunded and underrepresented in research and STEM fields.
"Women represent about half of the jobs in the workforce right now, but unfortunately only about 25% of STEM jobs," Ooten said.
STEM Goes Red is not only empowering and inspiring young women from ten local high schools, it provides a full spectrum of opportunities.
"We have everybody from healthcare represented to engineering to transportation to utility companies," Ooten added.
Couple it with EKU's involvement and it's the reason why the STEM Center for Excellence exists.
"We exist to help people grow into the people they are becoming. The next better version of connecting a student with what that next best person looks like is our mission," EKU STEM Center for Excellence Director Judy Jenkins said.
Panels create strong bonds among 100 women in this program while lessons from industry leaders make this an engaging experience.
"Women helping women," Jenkins expressed.