LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18)– Over the weekend, a Lexington homeowner off Lannette Lane found a sinkhole that the Division of Water Quality said they’re concerned could enlarge and pose potential issues with the sewer line.
Joe Davis’ dog, Pumpkin, was chasing a squirrel when she found the hole.
“For years, I guess, it’s been eroding in underneath there and all of a sudden you have these big rains come in and it just fell in,” said Davis.
Davis has lived on the property for decades. He is a former state engineer and he is no stranger to sinkholes.
“They put in a sewer line in here, we were on septic tanks for years. About, I’d say about 17 years ago and they came down through here and these houses run down to this manhole,” he said.
He is worried about others getting hurt. He hopes that if the hole gets bigger, neither Pumpkin nor anyone else is nearby.
“Well, I’m concerned about it enlarging. If you get a big rain and it flows in. I’m sure it will be more fall in. ‘Cause that pipe wasn’t showing yesterday,” said Davis.
The pipe is a sewer line. The Division of Water Quality said they’ll set up a fence for safety purposes later this week and will bring in cameras to try and find out if its a sewer problem or something else.
They’re concerned it might be a larger issue involve the nearby cave.