RICHMOND, Ky. (LEX 18) – A Madison County man spoke about his arrest to an LEX 18 reporter behind bars.
According to police in Madison County, 29-year-old Josh Pyles was snooping through mailboxes and looking into homes in the Willow Ridge neighborhood. Pyles claimed that he was wandering around looking for some work.
A sheriff deputy approached him and Pyles refused to answer any of his questions. After he refused to cooperate, the officer tried to arrest Pyles, which led to the fight.
Pyles said, “You know, he asked me for my information, and I told him I didn’t have to provide him that because I have a right to privacy.”
According to the officer, Pyles had reached for his gun during the fight, which prompted him to use his taser. Pyles denied trying to reach for the officer’s gun.
The Madison County Sheriff’s Office said there was nothing improper about the arrest and that Pyles was exhibiting suspicious behavior and refused to cooperate.