(LEX 18) — While many marinas across the state are keeping a wary eye on the forecast, folks with Kamp Kennedy Marina at Herrington Lake say that the water levels are staying low.
Terry Jones said that last year, he spent a lot of days at his wife’s marina instead of home, spending the night to keep watch on everything as water levels rose again and again. This year, he’s only had to camp out one night.
He said that even though the rain is still steady, the water levels haven’t been as high and that’s likely to do with what’s above Herrington Lake, Kennedy Bridge Road.
“It hurt those bridge guys last year. They probably lost two or three weeks, a month of work, just on account of the water,” said Jones.
The rising water hindered repairs to the bridge last year, so this year, the folks at Dix Dam just down the lake are working extra hard to keep the levels in check.
Jones said that has them working extra hard to keep up.
“Every two hours we have to adjust winches, rain, shine, storm, wind, it doesn’t matter,” he said.
But Jones said he’ll take that over flooding any day.