NewsCovering Kentucky


LEX 18 Investigates: Vaccination Without Proper Consent?

Posted 10:20 PM, Dec 06, 2018
and last updated 11:29 PM, Dec 06, 2018

CASEY COUNTY, Ky. (LEX 18) — LEX 18 is learning more after a Casey County mother says a forged permission slip allowed her daughter to get a vaccine that she had already received.

Rachel Hack’s 11-year-old daughter recently came home with some news she could not believe.

“She said, ‘Mom, I got a shot today. They gave me a shot at school,'” Hack told LEX 18 Investigates.

Hack’s daughter told her the vaccine was for hepatitis A. That presented a problem. Hack’s daughter had already received her first vaccine in the series on Aug. 6 at her doctor’s office. A followup booster was scheduled by Hack for next month.

A consent form used by the schools indicates immunizations for Tdap and Menactra were administered by the Healthy Kids Clinic at Walnut Hill Elementary. Hack’s daughter isn’t due for those shots until next August.

When Hack asked for a copy of the consent form, she says it obviously contains a forged signature. In fact, whoever signed the form didn’t spell Rachel’s name correctly.

“They didn’t even spell my name right, no,” Hack told LEX 18. “While at the doctor’s office they said there have been other situations of the same thing happening.”

Dr. James Miller, a family practitioner of the Bluegrass Clinic confirmed that to LEX 18 saying that hundreds are being vaccinated at schools in Casey and Lincoln counties. That information, he says, is not being entered into the system properly, so neither parents nor the kids’ doctors know what’s been injected into their bodies.

The Cumberland Family Medical Center had their attorney issue a statement to LEX 18, saying they are working to get to the bottom of the alleged forgery.  They also state they are entering all their vaccine information in a timely manner with KY-I.R.

It’s a set up that can hurt Dr. Miller’s bottom line, but it can also hurt a family that claims it didn’t knowingly give consent to vaccinate a child.

Casey County Schools released a statement to LEX 18, “Any vaccination given to a student is, to the district’s knowledge, given in good faith reliance on proper consent.”

Hack says she hasn’t yet retained a lawyer but is strongly considering it if the district won’t give her some answers.