

Kentucky believed to be up to 163 cases of COVID-19; non-life-sustaining businesses must close

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FRANKFORT, Ky. (LEX 18) — Gov. Andy Beshear announced during his Tuesday press conference that he believes Kentucky is up to 163 confirmed cases of COVID-19.

"We haven't been able to confirm all of them because, again, we have even had one more lab come up today that we have seen, and we are not getting all the information as quickly as we need," Beshear noted.

Beshear also noted one of the new patients contracted the virus at a "coronavirus party." Beshear said the coronavirus party involved a group of individuals between the ages of 20 and 30 that got together and had a party thinking none of them would get the virus.

"Anyone who goes to something like this may think they are indestructible, but it is someone else's loved one that they are going to hurt," Beshear said of going to a coronavirus party. "We are battling for the health and even the lives of our parents and our grandparents. Don't be so callous as to intentionally go to something and expose yourself to something that can kill other people. We ought to be much better than that."

Beshear also announced that effective Thursday at 8 p.m., all non-life-sustaining businesses must close to in-person traffic.

Groceries, drug stores, pharmacies, banks, agriculture, gas stations, media, transportation, mail and laundry services are among the types of businesses that can remain open under the new order. More information about the new order and which businesses are affected can be found here.

Restaurants may continue to operate curbside pick-up, delivery and drive-thru services.