LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — The Coronavirus has changed the way Americans communicate; much of which has moved online putting technology to good use.
Gov. Andy Beshear begged Kentuckians to spread out more than a week ago.
“Social distancing is now the absolute critical phase we are in it's how we make sure we don't have that really steep line that Dr. Stack showed you it's how we make sure fewer people get this,” Beshear said.
With the positive case count rising daily, as expected, the Governor said the Center for Disease Control recommends keeping as many conversations and meetings virtual if it is not imperative the meetings are conducted in person.
Beshear closed the doors to the State Capitol earlier this week and suggested video conferencing for committees. He said he hoped to lead the way in setting an example for Kentucky businesses and organizations to follow suit.
The Kentucky State Board of Education held their regular board meeting virtually Wednesday. According to their website, the Fayette County Public School Board, however, still plans to hold theirs in person on Monday, March 23.
Fayette County Public Schools Board Member Tyler Murphy explained he has been trying to obtain clarity on their upcoming meeting that he said could be conducted virtually.
“I have been in conversations with the Superintendent to begin to let him know that the board is supportive to make sure that during this unprecedented time, that we're all working together to achieve these shared goals and made suggestions to the Superintendent and the Board Chair that we look at some alternatives, conducting virtual meetings or even doing a special called meeting,” said Murphy.
Fayette County Public Schools teachers reached out to LEX 18 this week questioning whether the Board is leading by example as teachers have been asked to conduct all necessary business from home.
Murphy said he agrees. “We have to set the example. We have to model what we are wanting others to do and so when we talk about social distancing, when we're coming up with plans to allow our teachers to work remotely, when we're advising our classified staff to avoid being around too many other people, all of these things are very important recommendations that people need to take seriously and those are recommendations we need to hold ourselves to as well.”