

Catholic Action Center asks for help feeding homeless 4th of July weekend

Catholic Action Center food donations

LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — Active weather mixed with the 4th of July could potentially make for a difficult weekend for those without a home.

That's why leaders with Lexington's Catholic Action Center have been working overtime to get ready to help.

“Whenever the city is celebrating it’s a wonderful but when that happens often there are people being left out. Whether it’s food, shelter or a place to stay cool," Catholic Action Center director Ginny Ramsey said.

Ramsey told LEX 18 June was a particularly busy month for their staff, a time of year that is already considered a big time of need.

“Of course we see an increase in the need for food when school is out. There are families that come to get their breakfast, lunch and dinner at our kitchen door," Ramsey said.

“It’s amazing how much we’ve gone through in this past month. Not only has it been so hot and there are so many people that are on the street but with vacation time comes some of the other standard places that folks would normally get food not being open.”

Thursday, Catholic Action Center staff felt their inventory was low going into the weekend, so they asked the community for help.

A post was made on Facebook asking for sandwich donations to hand out.

Ramsey was confident the community would respond strongly to their request, expecting upwards of 2,000 sandwiches to be brought in to help those in need.

“We’ve got such a compassionate community or I wouldn’t be standing here after 25 years," Ramsey said.

“Our community of Lexington, Kentucky is an amazing, compassionate community that will answer the call.”

If you want to donate, the center is looking for sandwiches, bags of chips and bottles of water to make full meals to hand out.

Donations can be dropped off at 1055 Industry Road in Lexington 8 a.m.-8 p.m.