

Abortion pill vs. Plan B pill: What's the difference?

Abortion Pills
Posted 10:24 PM, Jun 25, 2022
and last updated 8:59 PM, Jun 26, 2022

LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — Friday, abortions that do not threaten the life of the patient immediately became illegal in the state of Kentucky, leaving many to question the availability of some over-the-counter contraceptives like the Plan B pill.

In a press conference Friday, Attorney General Daniel Cameron explained Plan B and other emergency contraceptives will not be affected by Friday's supreme court ruling.

"As it related to Plan B and contraception, this law does not affect those things in particular," said Cameron.

The overturning of Roe v. Wade enacted Kentucky's trigger laws, banning all abortions, whether done via procedure or medication. When it comes to medicine, there is a big difference between the abortion pill and emergency contraceptives like Plan B.

While the abortion pill terminates the pregnancy, Plan B or the generic brand "My Way" can prevent pregnancy if taken within 72 hours.

While both can be found over the counter, Plan B can cost $50 while generic brands can cost around $12.

"A lot of people didn't at all know what this law was going into effect. They didn't know what the kind of parameters of the law were," said abortion activist Meghan Turner.

Turner was one of many protesters marching in Lexington after the ruling.

She said she immediately posted on Facebook to let women know emergency contraception is still available.

"I wanted to make sure as many women as possible know that they still have access to it under this law."

The pill will remain available over-the-counter at stores and pharmacies throughout the state.