(LEX 18) More than two years have passed since the murders of Bobby Jones and Crystal Warner. Their accused killer, Craig Pennington, was in court Thursday morning for a discovery conference.
During the hearing, which lasted 20 minutes, the prosecution and defense are still waiting for lab results and need to look over bank statements and records. Specifically, Pennington’s payments related to the Washington County cabin he rented from Bobby and Crystal.
Bobby’s family traveled almost four hours to Marion County for court Thursday. Crystal’s family traveled just under two hours. They told LEX 18 that they want to make sure their presence is felt.
"I just have a lot of anger toward that man. I pray about it," said Mary Reeve, Crystal’s mother.
"We gotta come back, September 19th. And we buried Bob on the 17th. It’ll be 2 years. He was murdered in July and we didn’t get to bury him until September. It just feels like it’s dragging on for no reason," said Sandy Jones, Bobby’s mother.
Another court date is scheduled in six weeks. The trial is still on course for February 2019.