LEXINGTON, Ky (LEX 18) It is 90 days until the November mid-term election and already, things are heating up in the race for Kentucky’s Sixth Congressional District.
The matchup is Republican incumbent Andy Barr versus Democratic political newcomer and military veteran Amy McGrath.
"Fascinating race. We couldn’t ask for a better race in many respects," said Political Analyst Bob Babbage.
The early political ads are being interpreted by some as Andy Barr being worried about the race, but Babbage said it is too early to start placing bets.
"This is like a ballgame, and the race always is, everybody wants to know who’s going to win before we finish the game. The game is going on," he said.
Babbage said as the 90 days go by, Babbage said the race will be nearly impossible to ignore.
"There will be legions of people out knocking on doors, you’ll be covered up with social web messages and advertising. Already, just the reaction to Barr’s ad this week and McGrath’s ad this week on the social web, you’d think it’s already armageddon. It’s a big deal. It’s a big fight," said Babbage.
Kentucky’s Sixth District is traditionally a swing district-with it changing hands half a dozen times over the past 40 years.
Andy Barr took it from a Democrat in 2012.
"Both of these candidates have a lot to offer from their life and experience, and that’s what they have to get across," said Babbage.
According to the Center for Responsive Politics, as of June 30, both candidates have raised more than $3 million each, with McGrath out-spending Barr. Just Wednesday, it was announced that conservative group, Heritage Action for America, will spend a minimum of $200,000 backing Barr’s campaign.