

Making A Difference: LEX 18 Viewer Connected With Dog After Watching Newscast


LEXINGTON, Ky (LEX 18) A loyal LEX 18 viewer believes she may have found her next family member while watching our newscast. 

Joanna Ball lost her beloved dog, Kizer, back in January. Kizer was her protector and helped her get around. Legally, Ball is blind, but during our newscast earlier this week, she saw something she couldn’t believe. 

"I saw them very briefly, just walk a dog by the camera," she said.

It was a story about the flooded New Hope Animal Shelter in Henderso, Kentucky. 

"It looked exactly like my pit bull that I had for 12 years that I just lost back in January," Ball said. "He was a huge part of our family and losing him was horrible, but she looks so much like him."

Ball called the Henderson Shelter and found out that the dog that caught her eye is six-year-old Ellie May.

Ellie May and Joanna Ball have a lot in common. Ellie May has trouble with one of her eyes as well and ‘Ellie May’ was Joanna Ball’s nickname growing up.

“I said I want the dog. I want the dog. I can give you whatever information you need," said Ball. 

She is not able to drive, so she will be united with her new family member on Sunday.

"I do need another dog,  and another dog needs me," she said. 

The New Hope Animal Shelter in Henderson is still cleaning up after recent floods and are still accepting monetary donations and blankets. At this time, they can’t accept any new animals and are referring them to the Humane Society.