

No KIDding! Goats Eating Away Kudzu Problem at Lexington Park


LEXINGTON, Ky (LEX 18) — The City of Lexington’s Parks and Recreation Department is using an unconventional method to clean up a portion of Idle Hour Park. 

"I see a goat and go like, ‘woah! where did that come from?’," Eric Taylor, a visitor at the park told LEX 18.

Instead of using traditional herbicides or mowing, Al Dilley of Goat Browsers and his "kids" are cleaning up the park. There’s Luke, Duke, and Bubby, the pack goat. They’re some of the 17 goats who are trying to combat the kudzu problem at the east Lexington park.

Kudzu is known for killing native species of plants.

"All they do is eat, but it’s environmentally friendly service. They’re really the best recyclers there are," said Dilley. He said his gang on four legs can devour 70 pounds of plants a day.

"I figure 15-16 goats, it takes a couple of weeks to do an acre," he said. "It varies quite a bit with vegetation, how much it rains. It’s not an exact science."

The goats, originally from Glasgow, will be at the park through June, working on about two acres at the park.